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Counsel Sander Ting


A Hong Kong qualified lawyer based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada


Sander is a Hong Kong Canadian who recently made beautiful British Columbia, Canada as his permanent place of residence and devoting full-time to clean energy industry as a contract specialist.  He is also a holder of valid practicing certificate issued by The Law Society of Hong Kong and practices Hong Kong law in the Greater Vancouver on part-time basis.   

If you came to Canada, and have any outstanding or pending legal issues and need a Hong Kong lawyer to support you, please give Sander a call.


丁律師是一位居住於加拿大卑詩省的香港人並且是全職致力貢獻於低排放能源行業的合約專家。 丁律師亦持有有效香港律師會頒發的執業證書,並於大溫哥華地區兼職執業提供有關香港法律的業務。


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